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Business Communication and Career Preparation

About this course

How do you answer a job interview question like “Why do you want to work for us?” or “Tell me about yourself.”? This class gives you the opportunity to think about, research, and practice your answers to such job interview questions through recording short Flipgrid videos with closed captions and reviewing them in a safe, supportive environment. Beyond job interview preparation, this class is also a hands-on overview of modern business communications methods, with an emphasis on the correct formatting of important business and job search documents. Build your professional vocabulary while expanding your knowledge about the job search process in America, as well as American business etiquette.

Course location

1939 Ward Street
Berkeley, CA 94703
(510) 644-6130


1701 San Pablo Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 644-6130

Course cost: $25

How do I register?
How you register depends on what course you will take. Please visit the link below to learn how to register.